back to school

School is almost back in session and parents everywhere are hunting for the best accessories, school supplies and school fashion deals. Walmart Canada has introduced disruptive pricing and they are offering unbeatable deals in store until August 18th.

We went shopping for back to school supplies and managed to score some pretty awesome deals, like 94ยข coloured pencils ($4.67 before rollback!) and packs of 150 sheet lined refill paper for justย 10ยข each. Seriously!


We were given a $50 Walmart gift card and a back to school shopping challenge and we managed to get everything we needed for back to school and more. I even had some money left in the card when we were done shopping.

Be sure to visit Walmart to purchase all of your back to school needs, including paper, crayons, pens, pencils, binders, stationary and more.

Remember the hot deals will no longer be available past August 18.


Disclosure: I received a sample of a product to facilitate my review. No other compensation was provided and all views and opinions stated on this post are 100% my own.