The Buggy Bag Stroller Blanket was created and designed by a mom looking for waterproof outdoor gear to fit her stroller securely for her outdoor walks with her daughter. She found many plastic rain covers in the market that were awkward to pack and regular baby blankets kept sliding out of position and getting caught in the wheels. That is when the Buggy Bag Stroller Blanket was born.
The Buggy Bag Stroller Blanket is designed to fit strollers securely. It has a waterproof/windproof nylon outer shell and soft cuddly fleece lining. It is super warm and comfy and my little one loves cuddling inside his stroller while out for walks in the cold temperatures.
Something I really like is that the Buggy Bag encloses his legs completely and it stays in place. I can adjust it with the shock cords behind the legs for a very snug fit and with the easy to access open/close attachment points.
The Buggy Bag also has a safety reflective strip for low light conditions that works great when going out in the late afternoons, when it is darker than usual or when it is foggy.
We have been using our Buggy Bag for our daily walks and we are loving it. It is so light and easy to carry and I love that I can just leave it in the stroller ready for our next walk.
Be sure to check out their Buggy Bag Jogger Blanket if you own a jogger stroller. If you enjoy the outdoors and walking/jogging with your little one I recommend you get yourself a Buggy Bag before the winter time.
Win it: One very lucky OneSmileyMonkey.com reader from the US/CAN will win a Buggy Bag of their style choice and color ($79 value). Click “Read more” below to see the Rafflecopter form to enter.
Disclosure: I received a sample of a product to facilitate my review. No other compensation was provided and and all views and opinions stated on this post are 100% my own.
One Comment on “Buggy Bag: A Stroller Blanket to Keep your Little One Warm {Giveaway}”
This would be perfect for my fast changing weather walks