Pediped® designs footwear that promotes healthy foot development for children. Their shoes are made with premium grade, non -toxic leather and they care about comfort, quality and style. I am very excited to feature a pair of shoes from their Pediped Flex® line and I am glad we got to try them out.
My son learned how to walk barefoot and he spends most of his time barefoot at home. When he wears shoes and when we go out he knows what he wants to wear. He is the best shoe tester because he doesn’t wear shoes that are not comfortable. If he doesn’t feel comfortable walking with his shoes on then he immediately takes them off and doesn’t want anything to do with them anymore.
When he tried on the Jake Chocolate Brown Pediped Flex® shoes I could tell he really liked them. We have hardwood floors and he was walking back and forth loving the sound the shoes made when he walked and just running everywhere. It was very difficult to get a good photo of him wearing them because he was not sitting still. He wanted to RUN!
I really love the quality of the shoes and the attention to detail, you can see that they are built to last. I love that the sole is all natural rubber and they are skid-resistant. The elastic laces and velcro makes it super easy to take them on and off and keep them securely in place.
I also really like the Flex Fit System ™ that allows you to adjust the fit of the shoe for pro-longed wear. Insoles can be inserted for a snugger fit at the beginning and then removed as the foot grows.

Something else I love about this company is that they have given nearly $1,000,000 worth of product and monetary support to children in need. The pediped foundation is all about giving and solidarity.
In general we really love Pediped® shoes and I recommend you check out their online store to find some wonderful designs that are healthy for your child to wear, high quality, stylish and affordable.
Check out pediped’s latest news release below as well:
Henderson, NV (January 2012) — Beginning January 5 pediped® footwear will host a Purchases with Purpose Sale to benefit the pediped foundation™. During the fundraiser which will run through February 5, select styles available on will be marked down as much as 50 percent. Half of the sales from the selected styles will be donated to the pediped foundation™ to help children in need.
In addition to kicking off the New Year with the “Purchases with Purpose” sale, pediped® announces the launch of the pediped® Rewards program. Customers who make a purchase on www.pediped.comare automatically enrolled in the pediped® Rewards program, which allows for them to earn cumulative rewards for every purchase they make:
- Level 1 (spend $100 or more) – At Level 1, customers will receive a $5 credit to use on a future order and they will continue to receive a $5 credit for each additional $100 spent.
- Level 2 (spend $150 or more) – At level 2, customers will receive free shipping on any order of $30 or more for the remainder of 2012.
- Level 3 (spend $200 or more) – At level 3, customers will receive free return shipping for the remainder of 2012.
- Level 4 (spend $250 or more) – At level 4, customers will have through December 31, 2013 to use all of the rewards they have earned.
“We are committed to giving back to the community and to our customers,” said Angela Edgeworth, President of pediped® footwear. “The ‘Purchases with Purpose’ fundraiser is the perfect time for shoppers to receive pediped® Rewards and make a difference in the life of a child at the same time. Our new pediped® Rewards program allows us to thank our customers for their loyalty with some great shopping incentives including credits and free shipping.”
Since the company’s inception in 2005, pediped® has been committed to bettering the lives of children and has donated nearly $1,500,000 in monetary and product donations to children’s charities.
For more information on pediped® footwear or to make a purchase visit
Disclosure: I received a sample of a product to facilitate my review. No other compensation was provided and and all views and opinions stated on this post are 100% my own.
5 Comments on “Pediped: The Next Best Thing to Bare Feet”
those are just too adorable! they look like they match everything, in addition to being really great for his feet
I love how adorable they are but at the price I can't afford to buy them.
Love pediped shoes! My grandkids have worn them for a few years! I also love a company that gives back to the community!
Anne Taylor
My little one will only wear Pediped shoes. That was the first thing we put on him and now he just doesn't find anything else comfortable. I'm glad they have so many different styles and types of shoes so he can wear them all year long!
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