I can hardly believe December is here, it arrived so quickly! December is one of my favorite months of the year and I love the holidays, they are filled with beautiful memories, family, good food and lots of love.
I always feel like this is a great time to slow down a bit, reconnect with family and loved ones and enjoy the season. It is also a good time to recap on the past years knowledge and think about what I have accomplished, I usually think about what I am grateful for as well.
Looking back at this amazing year I just can’t believe how fast it is all happening. My little infant is no longer an infant and now I have a beautiful toddler that is more independent with every single day that goes by. I have met some amazing people, shared some great experiences and of course enjoyed being a parent, being a mommy.
I am very grateful for having the opportunity to stay at home with our son to see every daily change. I can really say that it has been a very busy year, it has been exciting and fun and challenging at times but never boring. My life changed in many infinite ways when I gave birth to our little boy and I am forever grateful for that.
Well, it is now time to continue enjoying this beautiful time of the year! Do you have any holiday traditions that are close to your heart?
7 Comments on “December, love love love!”
I love to go to the ice rink with my kids.
December 27–When our grandchildren were small, one of the fathers used to video tape Christmas Eve get togethers. Later on, when we watched them, we realized that one of the grandchildren, three at the time, was picking the small candy canes of the tree and eating them. She must have eaten at least 5 or 6 of them. It is really funny to see it now and we all get a chuckle out of it.-el03ro
January 17–Our family's Christmas Tradition for many years is to gather at our home on Christmas Eve after Church. Our family enjoys pizza, pop, desserts, etc. Then Poppy and I open our gifts. We take pictures and thank everyone for theirs. All the grandchildren and their spouses visit and chat and enjoy the food and company. We all love this tradition. el03ro
January 20–When I was a child, my Mother always made doughnuts for supper Christmas Eve. This was an extra treat for us. I did the same for many years but,because of my husband being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, I have not made them the past few years. But I still really want to make them because of our tradition when young.-el03ro
In some stores, there are still some Christmas articles that can be found on sale. It makes me think of the times, my grandmother who always waited for February to get items that were reduced at more than 70%
What a sweet picture.
I love this photo,so nice for looking back on