The Best Scrambled Eggs Recipe

Sharing The Best Scrambled Eggs recipe with you all today. This is a Β simple and delicious classic egg dish with some amped-up savoury flavoursΒ including mushrooms and chives and added protein in the form of cheese. A healthy and super nutritious way to start the morning.

How do you like your eggs?

The Best Scrambled Eggs Recipe

The Best Scrambled Eggs Recipe

Scrambled Eggs with Sauteed Mushrooms, Chives and Cheese {Recipe}

Yield: 2


  • eggs (2 per person)
  • handful of white mushrooms (sliced)
  • a few chives (finely chopped)
  • shredded cheddar cheese (1/4 cup)
  • 1 tbsp of butter


1. Use half the butter and melt it in a small saucepan on medium heat.

2. Sauté the mushrooms for a few minutes unitl soft. Remove them from the pan and set aside.

3. Heat the remaining butter in the same pan and keep the heat at medium or slightly lower.

4. Crack the eggs in a small bowl and scramble them with a whisk.

5. Pour the eggs into the pan and use a rubber spatula to scrape the bottom and sides of the pan every 30-60 seconds.

6. Once the eggs are on the verge of being cooked turn the heat off and plate the eggs.

7. Mix in the sautéed mushrooms and then garnish with shredded cheese and chives.

8. Season with salt and pepper

The Best Scrambled Eggs Recipe