No homeowner wants to see mould on the windows around their home. Mould can damage your windows and even pose serious health risks. Experts say that mould is one of the top reasons homeowners decide to go with new eco windows and replace their old units. But if your current windows operate well or you do not have the time and budget for window replacement but still want to eliminate mould, this post will definitely come in handy. 

Read on to find out why mould appears, how it can affect your health, and how you can get rid of it. 

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The Leading Causes of Mould

Mould typically thrives on damp surfaces. But how does moisture promote the growth and spread of mould in a home? Here are the major ways moisture develops and how mould grows on windows. 

  • Moisture from humidity: the air often becomes moist indoors during humid seasons. Although your HVAC system can keep this under control, tiny cracks can let heat and moisture in. Here’s one of the main ways to breed mould on the glass panes and window frames. 
  • Water penetration caused by leaks: a crack in your window framing or leak around your water pipe or roof provides the ideal entry point for precipitation. If you don’t repair and seal these areas, mould can develop and spread throughout your home. 
  • Condensation: your window can set up a suitable environment for mould growth if it features triple or double pane glass. Always check the sill framing and the corners of the window panes. 

Why Is Mould Bad? 

According to WHO (World Health Organization), mould exposure triggers common health risks, including:

  • Cold-like symptoms: it can cause you to experience symptoms related to a cold, such as coughing, runny nose, sneezing, and nasal congestion. 
  • Eye irritation: It may be in the form of tired eyes, dry eyes, and an itchy sensation in the eyes. 
  • Shortness of breath: mould exposure can cause difficulty in breathing. Your lungs may feel overstressed when attempting to exhale or inhale, causing the throat to feel sore. It also worsens respiratory ailments. 
  • Skin rashes: mould exposure can lead to several skin conditions, including dry skin and other types of rashes. You can’t eradicate the problem with ointment or topical cream unless you remove the mould. 
  • Headaches: even with pain relievers like aspirin, the pain may persist if you don’t get rid of the mould. 
  • Depression and anxiety: mould exposure can also affect your emotional, physical, and mental health. Over time, it can result in overthinking, panic attacks, and depersonalization associated with different forms of anxiety orders. 

Besides these health-related consequences, mould can also cause other issues in your home. One of the significant threats of mould that you must address is damage to your wood framing. Mould spores can move around your home through the ventilation system and your shoe soles, affecting the quality of your window’s wooden framework. 

How to Remove Mould Efficiently 

  • Cleaning Products 

Ensure to get bleach if you don’t have or want to purchase specialized cleaning paints and spraysโ€”mix water with the bleach at a 4:1 ratio. 

Although anti-bacterial sprays don’t remove stains, they do the same cleaning job as bleach. Besides, the anti-bacterial spray comes with a spray pump, while bleach obviously doesn’t. 

Mildew and mould sprays are ideal for getting rid of mould and often work like magic, unveiling the original surface with just one wipe. Specialized cleaning chemicals (heavy-duty) will also do a perfect job, but you’ll need to follow the instructions strictly to avoid stripping away the original surface. 

  • Getting Rid of Mould
  • Get an anti-mould spray or prepare a bleach solution (mould-remover) 
  • You’ll need a bucket of water, two clothes (one for wiping and the other for drying), and a stiff brush
  • If you’re removing the mould from underneath, wear a facemask to avoid the mould getting into your nose or mouth
  • Apply the solution to the affected areas on your window (including a few centimetres around visible moulds to destroy growing moulds that aren’t yet visible. 
  • Use a string brush to scrub the areas firmly. 
  • Wait for a few minutes, depending on how long the bleach solution instructions indicate. 
  • Rinse the affected portions thoroughly and dry completely using a cloth. 
  • Replace Your Old Windows

If you have old-style windows that increase the risks of mould growth, consider replacing them with a contemporary option as it offers more protection. Vinyl framework and high-quality glass panes are materials that reduce the risks of mould development and spread.


Remember that proper care, repair, and cleaning will reduce the risks of mould growth on your windows. If you need to replace or repair your windows, consider discussing with window experts to fix the issue and advice on the best materials to prevent mould growth on your windows.