Pink Shirt Day in Canada is celebrated on the last Wednesday in February each year.

Bullying is a big problem in schools, workplaces, and online spaces. So on Pink Shirt Day, wear something pink to symbolize that we donโ€™t tolerate bullying. A message that should be remembered year long!

Pink Shirt Day is a great day to have deep conversations with our children and chat about bullying and why it is so prevalent; encourage them to stand up against it and be part of the change.

Pink Shirt Day - Anti-bullying Resources Canada

If you are a victim of bullying, you are not alone! Help and support are available. Below I have put together a list of anti-bullying resources, with some helpful information if you are experiencing bullying or want to help.

Are you being bullied?

  • Contact Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868 and talk with someone who can help.
  • Get support from a crisis responder through Facebook Messenger.
  • Text with a crisis responder: Text CONNECT to 686868

Some Helpful Links and Organizations.

Do you have any other resources that you would like to share? Please add them in the comments if you do.