Exploring Burnaby Lake Park

The sun has been shining in Vancouver and the weather couldn’t be nicer. Every weekend we try to go for a family hike or nature walk and we explore a new park or lake in the city. Today we ended up going to Burnaby Lake Park with the boys.

This stunning regional park is located right in the heart of Burnaby and it is a sanctuary of a variety of wildlife including some pretty rare birds. We spent some time feeding the geese and ducks and we even hand fed some beautiful and incredibly tame red wing blackbirds. If you are stopping by the lake I highly recommend taking some bird seed with you.

The viewing tower is a great place to get aย birdโ€™s-eye view of the lake and for spotting wildlife. Burnaby Lake also has a rowing course that is suitable for canoeing, kayaking and rowing training. The rowing pavilion at Burnaby Lake Sports Complex has change rooms and a public canoe launch.

Below a few photos from our little outing. If you live in the city or have plans to visit I definitely recommend you stop by this park during the summer.

Exploring Burnaby Lake Park

Exploring Burnaby Lake Park

Exploring Burnaby Lake Park

Exploring Burnaby Lake Park

Exploring Burnaby Lake Park

Exploring Burnaby Lake Park

Exploring Burnaby Lake Park


Burnaby Lake is a amazing haven for wildlife and people, you will find fish, ducks, geese songbirds, and more. Wondering about the benefits of family hiking? Read one of our latest articles with the top 3 health benefits of family hiking HERE.