I had very different labours and deliveries with my two boys, my first one was born at a hospital after a 14-hour labour, and my second one was a planned home birth which lasted 3-hours. One thing I vividly remember about their births is how I immediately placed both of them on my chest for skin-to-skin hugs right after they were born.
They are so many incredible benefits of skin-to-skin hugs, and we were extremely lucky to have had no medical emergencies as the boys were both full term and we were able to go home after a few days at the hospital. I also remember my husband and me at home, giving lots of skin-to-skin hugs to our boys during the first weeks of their lives.
For parents of little ones born before term, especially those in the neonatal and paediatric intensive care units (NICU/PICU), the “Huggies No Baby Unhugged Program” can help provide newborns with that much-needed physical human interaction and hugs when circumstances prevent them from being at their baby’s side.

Photo credit: Janice Croze
For this program, Huggies generously provides funding so specially-trained volunteers can hug, rock, and even sing to newborn babies in the NICU and PICU in Canadian hospitals, including Victoria General Hospital, Cape Breton Reginal Hospital, Southlake Regional Centre and most recently, Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. The funding helps provide rocking chairs, positioning devices, volunteer training and more.
I had the chance to attend the launch of the No Baby Unhugged Program at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, and we were given a special tour of the NICU to meet some of the amazing volunteers who spend hours of their days hugging and comforting these newborns. It was all so inspirational.
It is also heartwarming to know that the volunteer hugging program at Nanaimo Regional Hospital is already full. So much love for the babies!
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You can pledge your support for the No Baby Unhugged program by visiting www.nobabyunhugged.ca. There you can sign up to pledge your support and receive a free pack of Huggies diapers and wipes, For each pledge, Huggies Brand will also donate $5 to the No Baby Unhugged initiative in Canada. Pledge now HERE.
Are you familiar with the No Baby Unhugged program?

Photo Credit: Janice Croze
Disclosure: This is a partnered post with Huggies. However, all opinions and views on this post are 100% my own.
10 Comments on “Giving Babies All The Hugs They Need”
What a great program. I have heard of these types of programs before and think they are so valuable. Well done Huggies!
This is incredible, very positive and uplifting. Makes a difference in many lives
I love this programme from Huggies, this is very uplifting for both hugger and hugged baby. Marvellous.
What a wondeful program! The babies are so sweet.
Such a great idea, babies need to be hugged and it’s distressing for parents who live further away and can’t get on to hug their babies as often as they’d like to.
This sounds like a wonderful program for NICU babies! Both of my boys spent time in the NICU as newborns, the first being premature. I was able to stay in the Mother’s Room both times, but not everyone can be there 24/7.
This just warms my heart. I am so happy to hear they have a program like this in place where people can pledge and show their support but also that they can volunteer themselves to be with these little ones. As a mommy who had their baby in ICU for a few days, to go through it and be with the other little ones while visiting mine, I know how much these little ones need hugs and can’t always get it from their mamas
This makes my heart so happy. I am so happy that they have this program!
Love this program and those similar; so important for babies and little ones to have touch and skin to skin contact. It makes all the difference in health, brain development and emotional/mental well-being. Even for adults.
I love the photo of the baby asleep on a shoulder, beautiful.